Monday, July 29, 2013

Social Work and Social Science :
Modern age is called the age of Eco-operation, Co-relation and Co-ordination and nothing can exist in isolation. Every branch of knowledge is co-related and interdependent. This is true in case of social work and services because social work and services because social work deals with the problem of human beings and problems cannot be understood without the knowledge of society, psychology, economic, political science, anthropology, statistics and ethical nature of human  beings and society. In order to know the problems of personality and human adjustment require integration of knowledge from social sciences.
Social science is integral part of social work. It's importance to social work is immense as they provide fundamental knowledge about men, culture and society. A theoretical understanding of those workers. It has provided a basic knowledge about the socio-economic and environment of the people as a factor affecting the behavior and relationship of people. The knowledge is essential for social workers to deal with his client. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Positive Approach Toward Women

It is generally said that man and women are the two wheels of a chariot or two sides of the same coin. One cannot exit without other. But if seen in depth we can find that woman does not possess any role in higher level. She generally possesses biological role. In every aspect of life woman has been underestimated by the male chauvinist society. In the family, she is always dominated by father, brother, husband and son in one way or other. In the community/work places woman is not regarded as humans. if she tries to her caliber she will be under estimated and discouraged. Though she possesses all the necessary qualifications/abilities, first priority is given to male in order to fill the higher level posts. if really a survey is made we can see very less number of women in decision making position. In the politics and in governance woman are not given opportunities. At present may be because of a new trend or international pressure some seats are reserved for woman . They are given election tickets only for fulfilling the formalities as the tickets that are issued to woman are of such constituencies where there is more possibilities of losing whereas male contestants are seen in constituencies where there are possibilities of winning. why is it so ? Is it because women are really weak and unqualified ? Can't they hold higher public posts ? Cant they make just laws ? Don't they possess right to work at the same level as man ? Or is it because certain provisions are laid down in the customs are traditions ? What actually is the reason ? History and present world reveals the fact that women are not less than men. Women are strong and able. Those who got the opportunities have shown that they are not less than man . Rajendra laxmi and Laxmi bai have proved that they can be brave warriors. Eleanor roosevelt has shown that woman can draft the constitution. Pratibha patel, Chandrika kumartunga, Srimavo, Bhandaranaieke, Indira gandhi, Sonia gandhi, Margaret thatche, Angela merkel, etc have shown that women can be an able administrator and can run a country successfully
So nothing is impossible. The only thing which has to be changed is the age old mentality of people and make society recognize women's identity and harness the potentialities of women. Doors of opportunities have to be opened for women without any kind of hurdles and emotions. the woman must be made consious about caliber and potentialities and she has to be provoked to be progressive then only we will be able to see progressive society in reality. Then only we will be able to see new Nepal.
Sociology and Social Work :
Sociology is concerned with the study of social life of man and it's relation to the factor of cultural, natural environment heredity and the groups. Sociology is the study of social situation. A social situation is an interplay of a number of meeting or attempting to met a want or a need. As soon as a want or a need is met, the temporary coming together of individuals with presently regroup themselves in other social situation.
Sociology is about social relationship, the network of social relationship is called society. The subject matters of sociology such as social morphology (population, equalities, social groups), social process (adoption, conflict), social control (religion, culture, tradition) and social pathology (corruption, sucide) etc. 
Social work diseases most of it's knowledge from sociology because the psychological problems of an individuals cannot be diagonised and solved without lacking the knowledge of it's social environment. The study of sociology is essentials for social worker.


They had gathered for music and they were awestruck because of what they were listening to. The rythem they were listening to was different, so was the beat. Yet, they accepted the band irrespective of language disparity - Nepali music was being shared to them. To everyone's surprise, there was an encore.
Drummer Nikhil Tuladher recalls the year 2007 at World village festival in England. He had been there as a part of the band Nepathya and it was "A moment of surprise" being able to perform for a crowd that was not Nepali. The mass was "supportive" and "environment was enjoyable".
Beside this festival, Tuladhar has travelled to different int'l music festivals with bands - Nepathya, Rock Sitar and Upendra and friends. Whereever he goes "it has been a different and fun experiance".
As a matter of fact, such music festivals are "a total new experiance" for anyone performing there and it doesn't matter if the state is big or small.


By poverty we generally mean a situation in which a person fails t0 earn income sufficient to purchase his bare means of survival. A poor man is one who does not have command over the basic needs of life like enough food, clothing, drinking water, shelter, education and health. Though major steps are taken to eradicate poverty; it is still one of the most burning global issues.
Unemployment and illiteracy are two major causes of poverty. Growing population is a great contributor to poverty because it leads to unemployment. All these factors make a vicious cycle of poverty and aggravate the problems related to poverty.
It is sad that more than fifty percent of the death is not because of diseases or accidents but because of lack of resources for survival. Thus, poverty should be tackled at national and international level. Governments should emphasize on increasing literacy and employment rate and ensure basic need of every individual citizen.

Everyone dreams of being successful in one's life. However, success is most expensive if we fail to cash the opportunity when it knocks the door. Success comes from steady and determined effort. Such an effort requires motivation as the fuel to drive one towards his goal. Thus, self motivation is one of the crucial secret of success.

A person who is self motivated always reaches out to his or her goal and achieves it with great determination and hard work. It's their self motivation that brings success into their life. Moreover, overcoming hardship can be also termed as success. Most importantly, we need to consider the fact that failures are integral part of success. we should not let failure come on our way to success in fact, we should make it a ladder to success.
To sum up, success is the result of self motivation, hard work and failure. With proper incorporation of these elements we can dance our way to success.


Happiness is a state of mind characterized by pleasant motions. However, the definition of happiness differs from one person to another. To someone happiness could be success in career, to someone it could be family satisfaction, while to someone happiness could mean material abundance. One way or the other people have decided for themselves that they can be happy only if they get what they desire or do all they wish for. However, the secret of happiness is : your decision to be happy.
One basic element of happiness is attitude of the mind. The attitude that one needs to posses is "I am responsible for my happiness and no one else". You can chose to be happy at whatever circumstance. If you are strong enough no one or no circumstance can make you unhappy. You just have to be strong enough to smile at the face of obstacles and adversities. For instance, if you lost someone you loved you could be unhappy that the person is gone or you could be happy that the person once existed. 
Thus, happiness is not what happens to you but what you chose to happen to you. Take a stand today to always be happy and bring in the happiness into your life, after all you are the sculptor and master of your own life and happiness.